Internal Penetration Testing

Internal Penetration Test Overview


Scoping & Planning

Tailored planning to align with your specific security goals, ensuring a focused and effective penetration testing process.


Comprehensive Testing

Our CREST Registered Penetration Testers execute comprehensive assessments using tactics, techniques, and procedures that mirror those employed by actual adversaries.


Risk Assessment & Prioritisation

Critical analysis of identified vulnerabilities, ranked by severity and impact, for informed and strategic remediation efforts.


Detailed Remediation Guidance

Providing actionable steps and expert advice for addressing identified vulnerabilities, ensuring practical and effective security enhancements.

Internal Penetration Testing

An internal penetration test centres around what an attacker could do once they are inside your network. We place our PenTest Dropbox inside your network and impersonate the tactics, techniques and procedures based on real-world observations of known adversaries. 


We attempt to uncover misconfigurations and security flaws inside the internal network.

An Internal Penetration Test includes:

Benefits of an Internal Penetration Test

Identification of Vulnerabilities

Uncovers hidden internal network weaknesses, enhancing overall security posture.

Validation of Security Controls

Systematically assesses security measures against diverse, real-world attack techniques.

Enhanced Incident Response

Improves detection and response capabilities for real-world attack scenarios.

Employee Awareness and Training

Educates staff on breach risks, reinforcing security best practices.

Compliance & Risk Management

Ensures regulatory compliance and informed risk management decisions.

Business Continuity & Reputation Protection

Prevents disruptions and safeguards company reputation by proactively addressing vulnerabilities.

Penetration Testing FAQ

A penetration test is a simulated cyber attack against your computer infrastructure attempting to discover weaknesses and vulnerabilities in your organisation’s defences.

Penetration testing is the only way to test the defences that are protecting your data from ever-evolving cyber criminal threats. An internal and external pen test conducted by independent third-party will give your company confirmation of the security controls in place.


A penetration test will help your organisation understand the cyber security threats and gain a better awareness of them. As a result, you can fix any discovered vulnerabilities prior to them being exploited by criminal hackers.

Penetration testing is carried out by our ethical hackers, who use real-life tactics, techniques and procedures used by the most sophisticated and intelligent cyber criminals to exploit weaknesses and vulnerabilities in your system.

The results form the basis of a comprehensive report that shows issues and gives clarity to where your systems are weak.

The penetration test report will recommend and address exactly how to remediate these weaknesses.

We believe with enough time and resources that an adversary could find a way into any network.

Our Dropbox starts from an ‘assume breach’ position and allows us to focus on what an adversary might be able to achieve once inside your network.

This enables to provide more cost effect solutions with clear and actionable remediation advice.


Year Founded


IASME Certification Body




Years Experience