Penetration Testing

why choose cyber sense

Customised Appraoch

Tailored penetration testing for any organisation size, ensuring top-quality results for unique client scenarios.

Qualified Individuals

CREST Registered Penetration Testers upholding the highest ethics, guaranteeing confidentiality and trust in every engagement.

Proactive Threat Intelligence

Incorporating the latest adversary tactics and emerging threats for comprehensive and forward-looking security testing.

High-Quality Reporting

Clear, detailed reports with executive summaries and risk prioritisation, coupled with actionable advice for effective remediation.

Our Services​

We offer the following popular Penetration Test packages.
All our packages can be tailored to your company’s specific requirements.

Internal Penetration Testing

An internal penetration test centres around what an attacker could do once they are inside your network.

Web Application Penetration Testing

The aim of a web application penetration test is to identify and safely exploit weaknesses in the web application.

API Penetration Testing

An API Penetration Test focuses on identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities in APIs to ensure secure data exchange and system integrity.

Social Engineering

A Social Engineering engagement evaluates human factor vulnerabilities by simulating deceptive tactics to enhance organisational security awareness.

Benefits of Penetration Testing

Identify Vulnerabilities

Discover and fix security weaknesses before they can be exploited by attackers.

Protection from Cyber Attacks

Human expertise in penetration testing reveals and addresses potential threats.

Compliance & Regulations

Ensure adherence to legal and industry standards, avoiding penalties and legal issues.

Reputation Protection

Prevent security breaches that can damage your business's credibility and public image

Cost Savings

Avoid the high expenses associated with data breaches and system recoveries.

Enhanced Security Posture

Strengthen your overall defence against evolving cybersecurity threats and challenges.

Penetration Testing FAQ

A penetration test is a simulated cyber attack against your computer infrastructure attempting to discover weaknesses and vulnerabilities in your organisation’s defences.

Conducting a penetration test is crucial for several reasons.

  • Identifies Vulnerabilities Early: Detects security weaknesses before they can be exploited by attackers.
  • Protects Customer Trust: Enhances customer confidence by demonstrating a commitment to data security.
  • Maintains Company Reputation: Prevents breaches that could damage the business’s public image and credibility.
  • Ensures Regulatory Compliance: Helps meet legal and industry standards, avoiding fines and legal issues.
  • Cost-Effective Strategy: More economical compared to the high costs of responding to security incidents.
  • Informs Resource Allocation: Provides insights for strategic security investments and improvements.
  • Adapts to Evolving Threats: Keeps pace with changing cyber threats in the digital landscape.
  • Builds Security Awareness: Educates and involves employees in recognizing and mitigating security risks.

A penetration test is typically performed in stages: planning and reconnaissance, scanning, gaining access, maintaining access, and analysis. The tester starts by defining the scope and goals, including the systems to be tested and the testing methods to be used. They then gather information (reconnaissance), identify potential entry points, and attempt to break in (either virtually or physically) to exploit any weaknesses. After gaining access, they may try to maintain it to understand the depth of the breach, followed by an analysis of the test, documenting any vulnerabilities and providing recommendations for strengthening security.

For our team, it’s essential that decision-makers fully grasp the risks and threats facing their business. To ensure this, all of our reports feature an easy-to-understand Executive Summary and a Risk Prioritisation Plan. Additionally, we provide a comprehensive section on detailed findings, complete with actionable remediation advice, to guide effective and informed decision-making.



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